random([low], [high])

Generates random numbers. Each time the random() function is called, it returns an unexpected value within the specified range. If one parameter is passed to the function it will return a float between zero and the value of the high parameter. The function call random(5) returns values between 0 and 5. If two parameters are passed, it will return a float with a value between the the parameters. The function call random(-5, 10.2) returns values between -5 and 10.2. One parameter sets the range from 0 to the given parameter, while with two parameters present you set the range from val1 to val2. If one argument is given and it is an array, returns a random element from that array.

Type: function


  • low {Number} Optional:

    The low border of the range.

  • high {Number} Optional:

    The high border of the range.


  • {Number | Object}:

    A random number or a random element from array.